St. Joseph’s Catholic Institute of Theology
St. Joseph’s National Catholic Major Seminary
Affiliated to the Faculty of Theology of the Pontifical Urbaniana University, Rome, Italy

Ministries of Lector and Acolytes
On 20th Sepeptember, 2019 Bishop Justin Saw Min Thide, Bishop of Hpa-an and a member of the Seminary Commision, conferred the ministry of lector on our second year theologians and the ministry of acolyte on our third year theologians. The Mass was started at 5:00 p.m., presided by Bishop Justin with 15 priests and around 200 Family members and friends of seminarians at St. Josphe's Chapel. During his homily Bishop Justin mentioned how to behave and live fully and responsively priestly vocation and encouraged all seminarians to live fully and responsively their life. After Mass all the guests were hosted with dinner by the Seminary.
2019-09-22 22:10:03