Diploma in Theological studies for catholic laity
Closing Ceremony of the Academic Year (2019-2020)
Closing ceremony was held on 8th February, 2020 at St. John Paul II’s Multi-purposes Hall. It was started 11:30 A.M. after General Evaluation. In his address, Fr. Cyprian Aung Win, Rector of St. Joseph’s Catholic Major Seminary, mentioned that Seeing Sign of the Time, the Staff of St. Joseph’s Catholic Major Seminary initiated one year program for the faith formation of the Laity in the Academic Year (2019-2020) together with the Formation of the Seminarians. The participants were privileged to be part of the Seminary Family. So this first group was privileged to be recorded in the history of the Seminary. He also encouraged the participants to continue their study since this program was just introducing what is theology and how to study theology. The ceremony was ended with the blessings of all the professors followed by group photo taking and grand and happy lunch. Let us thank God together for the smooth running of the whole program and His graces showered down upon each one of us.
2020-02-09 22:41:40